Friday, March 13, 2009

Holy Enchilada- Finish book

In Hank Zipzer style, make another list. List 5 of your favorite parts of the book. Be specific!

Did you like this book?


  1. 5. When they chased Katherine through the kitchen. 4. When Hank met Yoshi. 3. When Hank tryed to make Enchiladas and put to much chili powder in. 2. When Yoshis dad ate an enchilada and tryed to eat it and he had to chug water after every bite. 1. When Ms. Adolf pretty much lit on fire (=.

  2. 1.when yoshi did the kick flips. 2.when yoshis dad ate the encaldas and cried. 3.when ms. Adolf ate the pigs in a blanket. 4.when nick asked why they feed horce radish to horces. 5. when yoshis dad sead hank was a real chef.


  3. I like the part when
    1. yoshi was riding a skatbored
    2. Ms.Adolf had the b bad gas from the pigs in a blanket
    3. Hank tryed to tell everyone about his learing disablety
    4. hank got tripped by theh igoona
    5. everone was making making the enchilada

    I love this boook and i would recomand this book to a lot of people becase of the humor it has and how people whould enjoy

  4. 1 when hank met yoshi

    2 When Ms. Adolf got bad gas fro the pig in the blanket

    3 When yoshi went to the school for the first time

    4 When yoshis dad ate the enchiladas

    5 When yoshi skateborded.

    These are my favorite parts of the book. I would reccomend this book to a person who likes funny books.

  5. My favorite parts were.....
    1. When Hank had to make the list for Ms. Adolf(the second time).
    2. When Ms. Adolf ate a enchilada and almost exploded.
    3.When Hank put to much chili powder in the Enchiladas.
    4.When Hank tripped over Kathleen.
    5.When Principal Love's mole was hulla dancing.
    I realy liked the humor and story in the book.I wouldn't recomend it to anyone.

  6. yes it finnally posted. wait am i still on the blog?.........

