Monday, March 9, 2009

Day of the Iguana Chapters 1-4

What is a text-to-self connection that you had while reading the book?


  1. Practice Post

    Mrs. Wettstein

  2. the part in th book where the boy has a chart for homework because off his lerning dissaibility.

    Josh Ludeman

  3. they have family meetings in the book and had learning dissaibillity.

    Wyatt Reeser

  4. In this book Hank's little sister lost her iguana and they had to look for an hour and finally found her in an obvious place. This reminds me when i lost my adorable darling baby kitty in my house and couldnt find her, but after hours of looking, we finally found her she was sleeping on MY bed.

  5. In this book Hank has a learning disabillity. This reminds me of myself because I have a learning disabillity too.

    Wyatt Reeser

  6. In the text, it said there was a kid named Robert and he thinks that he is their freind but he is not. This is like a kid that rides my bus. They think I am their freind when I am not.
    - Waite Uphoff

  7. in the book the boy has a learning disability so he has a homework chart for that. This reminds of myself because I also have a larning disability just like him. I have a assignment book for my assignments just like him to remind me what I need to do for homework.
    -josh ludeman
