Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walk Two Moons - Book Finished

What is your opinion of this book? Who would you recommend this book to?


  1. My opinion to this book is the I really liked it and I really enjoy it a lot. I think that this story is a mystery and a sad book. When I started this book I told myself that I was not going to like that book because at the beginning I thought that there was not really nothing going on that interesed me.I thought that is book is going to be a good book becasue when I got into the middle of the book it started to get into the mystery stuff.I also thought that this book was a really sad book though out it.
    I would recommend this book to anybody out there that is interesed in mystery and sad stories.I would even recommend the book Walk Two Moons to my fam ily because they are really interesed in mysery and sad books.I had a really grate time reading this book and ebjoying the time with my friends.

  2. i loved the book it ment a lot to me because my dog died as i was reading this book and i was verry sad and couldn't get over it but torwards the end of the book sal says many things i would not imagine she would say sience her mom died like opamistic thoughts like that insted of being jelous her mother wanted lots of kids she belives her mother wanted lots of children because she loved sal so much she wanted more of children like sal that relates to me and my dog is because if sal can be happy after loseing a mom i can be happy after loseing a dog and yes i would recamend this book to anyone becuase it has life lessons in it not only how to deal with a death but dont judge a man till you have walked two moons in their mocasins is another good one because it is true that we shoul never judge people

  3. I loved the book.It is a sad book but it is a really and book to read. It reminds me of my uncles family. The book teaches you a lesson not to judge a person and to always be ready for what can happen next in your life.I would recommend this book to my mom because she is into books that are mysterious an are sad.

  4. i think that the book was ok. it's not my kind of book, so I woudn't really say it was aesome. but i do think it was a sad book. also, the book teaches you tons of different leesons that you can use in your every day life. though, i thought the book was really sad. though, if i had to reccommend this book to someone, i would reccommend this book to Delaney Kilian

  5. I thought that the book was good. Sharon Creech is one of my favorite authors but I think she has better books. I would probably recommend this book to my mom or my sister. I agree with Ann that there are tons of different lessons that you can use in your every day life. This book is very sad I don't usually read sad books like this even though I didn't think it was going to be sad. But overall it was a good book

  6. gfgjxfdasjchgfjdhgdasjhfgjhasdgfjhgsdajhgfajhgfjhasgfjhags
